Doula Care
The doula’s role during pregnancy, the birth and into the early days of motherhood is to surround the mother with a comforting and nurturing energy. She dedicates herself to the mother’s (and her family’s) wellbeing. In the months or weeks leading up to the birth, the doula develops a familiarity with the mother or couple, building a relationship based on trust so that the mother feels calm and reassured by her doula’s presence
During these early meetings, the mother or couple prepare for the arrival of their baby – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The doula holds space whilst they are invited to share their wishes and preferences for the birth, prepare for how they may react to the unknown arising, and to become informed of the mother’s options and rights. Inhibitions and fear of the twists and turns that labour could take may surface but, through creating a safe environment in which to build confidence and enhance life force, their power is relinquished and disarmed by confidence and excitement. It is not the role of the doula to play an active role in the woman’s labour and birth, but rather to protect her space so that her experience is empowering, joyful and transformative. She trusts in the mother, her baby, and the unfolding of birth