


As the most primal expression of creation and transformation, pregnancy, birth and motherhood summon exquisite care. This is my vision of support for mothers-to-be and new mothers

I first read the word ‘doula’ in a copy of Vogue. I was in my mid-20s and working in the fashion industry as a creative events producer. I was instantly attracted to the notion of helping pregnant women and new mothers to feel held by love as they begin to shed cultural conditioning around birth and motherhood, and grow in confidence

As someone who worked in a high-pressured job for many years, I understand competitive environments and appreciate the pressures that women are under, and how little support there is for those trying to create balance in a world that places little value on self-care and a slow pace of life

In 2017 I finally took the leap. Following my own health challenges, I trained as a doula in order to care for the wellbeing of women as they navigate a path for themselves that is aligned with their desires and guided by their inner knowing

As part of my own healing I chose a combination of holistic and allopathic modalities which I believe to be the most empowering. My own experience taught me that whilst Western medicine is life-saving when needed, connection with the wisdom of the body can uncover infinite truths and powers that are deeply personal and can override others’ authority

This reinforced my commitment to seek out health advocates that are integrating allopathic and holistic methods within the world of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. These master teachers share an unwavering commitment to gentle birth: obstetricians Dr Michel Odent and Dr Gowri Motha; and midwife and activist Robin Lim. Under their guidance and mentorship, I did extensive training in the anatomy and physiology of childbirth and the benefits (for mother and baby) of a positive birth

Under the mentorship of Dr Gowri Motha (Gentle Birth Method) I broadened my skill-set, further training in Self-Hypnosis and Visualisation, Perinatal and Postnatal Yoga, and Creative Healing Pregnancy and Postnatal Massage. My teachers Debra Pascali-Bonaro and Sheila Kamara-Hay have introduced the role of pleasure in birth (and life) into my work as an Ecstatic Birth practitioner, whilst Rachelle Garcia Seliga (INNATE Traditions) deepened my understanding of the universal pillars of postpartum care

Today, it is my intention to guide women to discover for themselves the truth that their bodies hold an innate intelligence and the blueprint for childbirth. I step into the role of female caregivers before me, creating a safe, nurturing, and non-judgemental space for women as they journey into motherhood